
Ascot Fashion Weekend (summer)
23, 24 & 25 May 2025 at Ascot Racecourse, Ascot, Berkshire
The largest boutique fashion sale outside London. VIP tickets cost just £5 each. 110 top companies selling clothes you won’t find on the high street for leisure, pleasure, work, holidays and evenings; as well as shoes, boots, handbags, scarves, hats, coats, jewellery, make-up, all priced to sell and all under one roof with restaurant on site and free parking.Children under 16 free. Please note: pushchairs are not allowed in the venue. We offer free baby backpacks and a free buggy park. This does not apply to wheelchairs.

Any VIP ticket you buy is valid for ANY DAY of the event! We ask you to choose a day so we can monitor numbers but we guarantee you can use your ticket on any of the three days.

You can see our video HERE

Held AtThe Pavilion, Ascot Racecourse, Ascot, Berkshire
Locationwww.ascot.co.uk for map & directions
EnquiriesContact: Ciara Heslam, Noelle Walsh on 07766 376410 or email ciara@ukgrandsales.co.uk
To book ticketsclick BUY TICKETS HERE - tickets £4 online, £6 by post or phone 01367 860017; £7 on doorw 07766 376410
Sale open9am-5pm except Sunday 9.30am - 4pm
ExhibitorsFor a list of exhibitors at this event click here

Having taken place successfully for 25 years, lockdown caused us to close the show. The fashion industry took a while to recover but is now successfully reinventing itself so we are bringing our Fashion event back to AScot. Ascot Fashion Weekend offers high fashion at low prices.  Designer clothing and unusual fashion items imported from abroad and not found on the high street can be found here – at competitive prices. For work, leisure, holidays, weddings, celebrations, sports ….there’s something for every occasion, plus a wide range of accessories from scarves and jewellery to shoes and handbags. Free car parking and on-site restaurant. Accessible by motorway (M4, M3), Ascot Racecourse  is well signposted and boasts a busy high street with top class restaurants and some excellent shops.

You can see our video HERE

  Children under 16 are free.

Exhibitors: include some designers, well-known on the catwalks; others are retailers who are clearing stock; small companies who buy from top continental designers and manufacturers after the big department stores have finished their buying; importers who travel the world finding unusual and well-priced clothes and accessories. As with all our shows, we limit the number of exhibitors in each product area so you won’t find, for instance, every second stand sells jewellery or there are a dozen handbag stands. The Sale is rich in variety and range.

Customers: 97% female, 90% ABC1

Exhibitors at this eventStandEmailWeb Site
Adele Mariefashion face masks, email Adele above avande2891@aol.comwww.johnlewis.com/adelemarie
All Things African and Beyond10% discount, promo code Ascot spencercarolann@gmail.comwww.allthingsafricanandbeyond.com
Anokhi / Vintage East / D20% off, email info@dazure.co.ukinfo@dazure.co.ukwww.dazure.co.uk
Astrofunk Boutique10% discount, promo code Ascot astrofunkboutique@gmail.comwww.astrofunkboutique.com
Bamboo ClothingF11enquiries@bambooclothing.co.ukwww.bambooclothing.co.uk
Beautiful Brows G31keelincarroll@gmail.comwww.beautifulbrowsandlashes.com
Bergs DesignsG3, G22info@bergsinternational.com 
Bird of Paradise20% discount, promo code UKgrand20enquiries@birdsofparadiselondon.co.ukwww.birdofparadiselondon.com
Bling Bling ShoesG18blingblingshoes@hotmail.co.ukwww.blingblingshoes.co.uk
Carved Angel20% off, promo code Ascot, free p&p over £50p.roston@btinternet.comwww.thecarvedangel.com
Copper & White G40 clare@copperandwhite.co.ukwww.copperandwhite.co.uk
Corincraft Ltd 10% discount, promo code Ascot robin@corincraft.comwww.corincraft.com
Creative Dezigns Stylish, comfortable cotton clothing from South Africa – 15% off with promo code ASCOT info@creativedezigns.co.ukwww.creativedezigns.co.uk
Cruz ClothingG21cruzclothing@btinternet.com 
Della DrewF52info@delladrew.co.ukwww.delladrew.co.uk
Designed and Handmade by JK DesignsF8maria.mcadams@btinternet.comwww.jonnyjkdesigns.co.uk
Elegance10% discount, phone Margaret on 01252 543424 elegance.margaret@gmail.com 
Ella & CherrySpecial face masks, click scarves on the website free p&pjason@wowtrade.co.uk cherry@wowtrade.co.ukwww.ellaandcherry.co.uk/www.wowtrade.co.uk
Evelyn Winter30%-50% off, no promo codekyra@evelynwinter.co.ukwww.evelynwinter.co.uk
Freddie's Flowers F18jake@freddiesflowers.comwww.freddiesflowers.com
Free Spirit G12nikkiccr123@gmail.comwww.thefreespiritcollection.com
Glad Rags Boutique10% off, www.facebook.com/glad rags boutique, promo code ascot20hdburek@gmail.comwww.glad-rags.org
Heaven and EarthF56, F57avniumber@hotmail.comwww.avniumber.com
Husen ModaG5info@husenmoda.comwww.husenmoda.com
It's A WrapF6lindasaltbox@aol.comwww.itsawrapgifts.co.uk
Just BiscuitsG43justbiscuits@hotmail.co.ukWWW.JUSTBISCUITS.CO.UK
Just JewelsG36justjewels818@gmail.com 
K Co Beauty & BrowsF13Akathy_complexion@hotmail.comwww.kcouk.com
KC Crystals25% promo code JFM2020kathy@kccrystals.bizwww.kccrystals.biz
Kitted in Cashmere10% discount, promo code WINDSORhelen@kittedincashmere.co.ukwww.kittedincashmere.co.uk
La BulleF51tony@lapetitebulle.co.ukwww.la-bulle.co.uk
Leather Genie10% discount, promo code Ascot sales@leathergenie.co.ukwww.leathergenie.co.uk
Littlemore Candle Company20% discount, promo code SHOPSMALLmolly@littlemorecandleco.comwww.littlemorecandleco.co.uk
Liz D'EsterreG9lizdesterre@yahoo.co.uk 
Love Molly / PreciousF2info@preciousatwhalley.co.ukwww.preciousatwhalley.co.uk
Maridonna Accessories10% discount, promo code Ascot donnellydl@aol.comwww.facebook.com/MariDonna
Milina London 15%, promo code ASCOT15milina.lunavat@gmail.comwww.milinalondon.com
Monet DesignsG2traceyannpoole@rocketmail.com  
Moonlight JunctionF54Mich_noble@hotmail.co.uk 
Mosaico JewelleryF37albaker@mosaicojewellery.comwww.mosaicojewellery.co.uk
Nancy & NoraF42online@nancynora.comwww.nancyandnora.com
New York Delhi20% discount; promo code NYD20nina@newyorkdelhi.comwww.newyorkdelhi.com
Nologo Chic20% discount, promo code Ascot20, free p&penquiries@NoloGo-chic.comwww.nologo-chic.co.uk
Nour (London) LtdG6tinamalhame@aol.comwww.bijouxchic.co.uk
Pamper Yourself NowF33tracy@pamperyourselfnow.co.ukwww.pamperyourselfnow.co.uk
Parisian ChicG34multitudeiom@gmail.comwww.parisian-chic.com
Paul Hamblett Jewellery20% discount, phone Paul on 07850 123823pshamblett@outlook.com 
Pieroth Ltd F3bsales@pieroth.co.uk www.pieroth.co.uk
Pinkster Gin10% discount, promo code Ascot georgia@pinkstergin.comwww.pinkstergin.com
Pinnell Sorella Ltd10% discount, promo code Ascot pinnellsorella@gmail.comwww.pinnellsorella.com
Pure Accessories20%andrinalr@gmail.com www.facebook.com/pure acessories shepperton
Purextracts15% off , promo code ASCOT, free P&P over £25hello@purextracts.co.ukwww.purextracts.co.uk/discount/VFM
R & S silk Accessories F24susannemornanvaughan@yahoo.co.uk 
Rare PearF64info@rarepear.co.ukwww.rarepear.co.uk
SBP Health - Snoring Rings20% discount, free p&p, no promo codesbproms@aol.com www.sbphealth.co.uk
Shibori50% discount, promo code BIG50 while stocks lastsallyshibori@aol.comwww.sallyshibori.co.uk
Silver MoonF5sporter111@aol.com 
Silverzone Collection25% discount, promo code Ascot20sales@silverzonecollection.co.ukwww.silverzonecollection.co.uk
Simply Grace OnlineStunning Jewellery 4 for the price of 3; plus FREE P&P tracey@simplygraceonline.co.ukwww.simplygraceonline.co.uk
Simply StylishG23sally.cooney@hotmail.co.uk 
Sister30% off new stock, extra 20% off sale price; promo code Ascotlisa@sisteronline.co.ukwww.sisteronline.co.uk
Sole MatesF44enquiries@sole-mates.eu www.sole-mates.eu
Soline BagsF58sally.pritch@gmail.comwww.solinebags.com
The Black Daisy CompanyG38blackdaisyco@btinternet.comwww.theblackdaisycompany.com
The ClogmakerG39theclogmaker@hotmail.comwww.clogmaker.org.uk
The Exceptional Rock CompanyG28sarah-gregg@hotmail.com 
The Fashion Loft Boutique 20% off, promo code ASCOT20thefashionloft@btinternet.comwww.thefashionloftboutique.com
The Festive Dresser Ltd / ClaremontF26jane@festive-dresser.co.ukwww.festive-dresser.com
The Finishing Touch Ltd10% promo code Ascot; free p&p orders over £50sue@thefinishingtouchlimited.co.uk www.thefinishingtouchlimited.co.uk
The Italian Knitwear CoF67theitalianwardrobe@talk21.comwww.theitalianknitwearco.co.uk
The Pretty Parcels LtdF36info@theprettyparcels.com 
The Rocks Collection F47janetpara1@gmail.comwww.therockscollection.co.uk
The Silver Vault F4paul@thesilvervault.co.ukwww.thesilvervault.co.uk/valueformoney
The Truckle Cheese Company20% discount, promo code Ascot20, free p&p order over £50customersupport@trucklecheese.co.ukwww.trucklecheese.co.uk
Tina Bucknall 10% off new season Robell, promo code ascot or phone 01444-235828 tom.bucknall@yahoo.co.ukwww.tinabucknall.co.uk
Topazglow DirectA designer inspired collection of affordable yet beautiful ladies jewellery and fashion accessoriessale@topazglowdirect.co.ukwww.topazglowdirect.co.uk
Total Wardrobe Care LtdF39Julia@thewardrobecurator.co.ukwww.totalwardrobecare.co.uk
Ukotini Direct LtdF22ukotiniexpo@yahoo.com 
Vintaque GemsG35vintaquegems@hotmail.com 
Walking Wardrobe UKF55kitty@kittyarden.com 
Wild Vintage Spirits43Ablackbirdblackheath@hotmail.comwww.baileyclothing.co.uk
Winser LondonG19pat@winserlondon.comwww.winserlondon.com
Wow Products London F45curlyemz@icloud.com 
Zapita 20% off, promo code Ascot.info@zapita.co.ukwww.zapita.co.uk
PO Box 4, Lechlade, Glos. GL7 3YB       ticket hotline 07766 376410        enquiries@ukgrandsales.co.uk   facebook      Web design by IDM